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Serving Northern St. Louis County, Minnesota

410 results total, viewing 326 - 350
As a young child, I discovered the most peaceful place in the whole world, or so I thought, high among the boughs of a backyard scotch pine. There I found refuge from the chaos inside my … more
Thirty years from now, there won’t be much argument about climate change. Even today, only the truly deluded or utterly ignorant continue to deny the warming that is fueling extreme weather … more
There’s a host of new friends for young children with names like Miko, Roybi, Moxie, and Zivko, but they’re not new classmates or neighbors. They can’t play football or soccer in … more
America can seem a discontented nation at times. Perhaps it is built into our DNA, since this is a country that was built by the those who weren’t content in the places they were born. This is … more
This week we might pay more attention to what we’re grateful for. I have an odd one. I’m grateful that I was was taught cursive writing in elementary school by teachers who insisted on … more
The United States is facing an unusual convergence of trends that threaten to upend our economy and the nation’s ability to fund its priorities, particularly payroll-funded programs like Social … more
Is the United States the greatest nation in the world? It’s a natural question to ask, given our penchant for displays of patriotism and our debates about American exceptionalism. But I … more
America has a problem with violence committed by men. That’s indisputable, as the front and back pages of newspapers and the nightly news broadcasts across the country attest every single day. … more
An important subject has been on my mind for days. It’s about the innate fears we carry of people we see as “different” from us— strangers, “outsiders”, people who … more
Election denialism, a concept soundly rejected by sane individuals and courts of law across the country, is now the prevailing ethos of the Republican Party— and that makes it increasingly … more
Boo! While I hold special memories of Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and other holidays, the holiday I’ve perhaps loved the most over the years is Halloween. The first Halloween I can recall … more
I love libraries because I can wander the aisles and just browse, inviting that unexpected book title to jump out at me. I’ve certainly browsed online retailers and the Arrowhead Library … more
Just in time for Halloween, there’s a new poll out that shows that nearly one-in-three Americans are concerned about being bitten by blood-sucking pests. Of course, had they taken the poll in … more
REGIONAL- Climate change has been impacting many different people across the globe. Given the small but non-trivial population of post-corporeal humans in the Ely area, the Timberjay reached out to … more
It’s tough to argue with clean water, particularly in the only water-based national park in the country. That’s likely one reason that the Voyageurs National Park Clean Water Joint Powers … more
“I don’t make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts.” – Will Rogers Will Rogers, a man of Cherokee lineage who was born and raised in Oklahoma’s … more
When it comes to the massive annual U.S. deficit and the growing national debt, it’s worth considering that 23 years ago, under the second term of President Bill Clinton, the U.S. ran a budget … more
I am a longtime radio fan. One of my favorite stops on the dial is 91.7 KAXE-FM, broadcasting out of Grand Rapids. I first discovered “Northern Community Radio” in 1979, soon after moving … more
The United States has a deficit problem, and we don’t need extremist threats of a government shutdown to address the problem. We need members of Congress to actually understand what’s … more
Two weekends ago, after my son threatened for three years to get me on Lutsen’s Summit Express Gondola for a ride up to the top of Moose Mountain, his wish came true. He, his fiance Ashley, … more
Did some of the state’s top law enforcement officials jump the gun in opting to pull student resource officers, or SROs, from schools in the wake of a new state law that limits prone restraints … more
“We have little time, so we must move very slowly.” Many years ago, when I was serving on the Friends for a Non-violent World (FNVW) board, the director, a lovely Quaker man named John … more
The capitulation of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy to Donald Trump and his loudmouth acolytes in Congress to the planned impeachment of President Joe Biden shows the extent to which the Republican … more
Twenty years after the fact, the incident that taught me the meaning of the phrase “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” is still as vivid and horrifying as ever. My ex-wife … more
The conservative movement’s battle for power has descended on the nation’s classrooms and Minnesota isn’t immune, despite the DFL’s current dominance in state government. … more
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