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America doesn’t live up to its rhetoric


Gov. Tim Walz said “violence has no place in America.” I hope that is his vision for the future but I doubt it. As of now violence IS America and his running mate promotes violence with her support of Israel’s genocide in Palestine. Maybe Walz has forgotten the United States’ murder spree around the world, such as the U.S. killing of three million Vietnamese, one million Iraqis, 50,000 Nicaraguans in the U.S. sponsored Contra war, and the dozens of other examples that Americans are encouraged to forget (and they do.) Maybe Walz has a real short memory and has already forgotten the 41,000 Palestinians killed in the last 11 months, destroying homes, medical facilities, and schools. And the killing continues with weapons continuing to flow to the Israeli (American) killing machine.  Unfortunately, the Democrats are the same as the Republicans. Americans don’t have a choice for peace. America does not want peace– it’s not good for the weapons industry and big business. We need to recognize the fact that the U.S. government is not the answer to world peace which is the most important thing in the world. America does not want it. We as taxpayers are funding the genocide in Palestine. 
When are we going to get tired of America killing people around the world and not taking care of the people and the environment here in the U.S. When are we going to demand the U.S. government be peaceful and stop killing Palestinians. When will we stand up to the weapons manufacturers that the Senate, House, and President represent.
Biden and Harris are the current criminals in the White House. They do NOT want peace. The enemies of humanity outnumber everyone else in the House, Senate, and White House.
We are in big trouble as long as we don’t question this so-called democracy.
The choice that the system gives us is vote for war and genocide or vote for war and genocide.
America equals war and dictatorship.
Steve Johnson