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Serving Northern St. Louis County, Minnesota

Lorrie was the best boss I ever had


I had the good fortune of having Lorrie Janatopoulos as one of my first bosses. To date, she is still the best boss I’ve ever had. We need more public servants like Lorrie who lead with heart, a clear vision, intelligence, empathy, and hope.
Lorrie has worked with a broad cross-section of the population for over 30 years. She understands issues facing working families: childcare, stable work in a growing economy, education and ensuring that our seniors can retire in dignity and obtain the healthcare that they deserve. I’ve witnessed firsthand Lorrie’s commitment to our Iron Range families, her tenacity and effectiveness to help build workforce pathways and solutions for her community. Lorrie understands that work should be more than just a paycheck and that it should provide dignity to workers as well. 
Lorrie deeply understands the issues facing her district and has the ability to work across differences to best serve her community. Lorrie is also pragmatic and not a do-nothing idealogue more interested in scoring political points than helping working families.  The folks in district 7B would be fortunate to have Lorrie fighting for them in St. Paul every day.
Noah Hobbs