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SOUDAN- Stuntz Bay Association president Dan Wiirre updated the Breitung town board about the association’s upcoming projects and other news at their May 25 meeting. “We had two generous …
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SOUDAN- Stuntz Bay Association president Dan Wiirre updated the Breitung town board about the association’s upcoming projects and other news at their May 25 meeting.
“We had two generous donations,” he said. “The Gornick family donated a bench in memory of Frank Gornick, who always policed for us. The second donation was from Joe Zubert and family for $1,000 towards the dock.”
Wiirre and the town board discussed signage and placement options for the bench and a thank you plaque for the dock funds donation.
Next, Wiirre made mention of the association’s financials. “We have to be careful this year with our funds.” He said the association suspended their usual donations to the Vermilion Lake Association and to Breitung Township. “Which we hate to do but we have to have accessibility for a dock down there. With more money coming in we should be fine. Provided we get our dock paid for and we have a surplus, as minimal as it may be, we’re talking about making our donations before the end of the year,” he said.
The second problem the association has is unpaid parking permits. “So far this year we have 60 yellow tags that people haven’t paid. That’s $600. That’s a lot of money in our book,” Wiirre said.
Wiirre said that Stuntz Bay Association is going to put a notice on the boathouses reminding people to buy their parking passes which help fund the efforts of the Stuntz Bay Association, the lake association and Breitung Township. Wiirre said that he and two other officers had a meeting with Chief Reing about the issue and its jurisdiction. Wiirre asked for clarification about the boundaries between Breitung Township and the state park and how traffic control and parking can be better addressed. Chairman Tomsich said he would be willing to pull out the map and meet with them.
Wiirre reminded the board that parking is enforced at Stuntz Bay and if there’s a no parking sign, your car could be ticketed or towed. Wiirre said that the association may install trail cameras to prevent thefts as well, since some boathouses were broken into last winter.
In other news, the town board:
• Received a thank you from Chief of Police Dan Reing for their support of the mock crash held for Vermilion County School students.
• Heard that the fire department did a training on advanced vehicle extrication, car fires and dealing with electrical vehicles during a crash. The training was conducted by the Blue Fire Group from Brainerd. The department received three calls for service including an electrical fire at a business in Tower, a gas leak at another Tower business, and a structure fire on Junction Rd. The department gave thanks to Jill Anderson, Jenny Nevala, and Trisha Poderzay for making food for the firefighters during the house fire and Cory Winger for assisting with a piece of heavy equipment.
• Heard that the water plant project was not included in the state bonding bill. The wastewater board submitted an application for a Public Facilities Authority loan to address the shortfall in funding, estimated at a million dollars with the rest of the project funded by grants.
• Heard a report from clerk Dianna Sunsdahl and supervisor Matt Tuchel who met with representatives from IRRRB to see how they could get their infrastructure project to score high enough to receive funding. The project in question includes roadwork from the mud ditch on Church St. and 1st Ave. up to Gordon St. Tuchel explained that projects are scored based on the cost, in terms of how many full-time job equivalents the project would create. The board will come back on how the project can be improved.
• Heard that On Systems gave a quote for broadband internet service at McKinley Park Campground, of $855 for installation. The service will cost an additional $500 per year for internet and electricity. The board opted to add extra speed at a reduced rate for an additional $50/month.
• Passed a motion to purchase new self-contained breathing apparatus for the Breitung Fire Department from MacQueen Emergency. Despite several attempts, the department has not been able to attain Federal Emergency Management Agency grant funding. The purchase will be made with $45,000 from the fire department’s specific equipment replacement fund and the remaining balance of $28,000 from the township’s equipment replacement fund.
“Let’s order it so we stay in compliance,” said Chairman Tim Tomsich.
“It’s a safety issue,” said Supervisor Chuck Tekautz. Supervisor Matt Tuchel abstained.
• Heard from Anthony Neari who owns Goombaz Security out of Virginia, who provided a quote for three NDAA-compliant cameras outside of the police department, including equipment, wiring and programing at the price of $7,150. The cameras have both picture and audio.
Neari also gave a second quote for five cameras inside the police station and installation inside the police department for $4,750. The board will seek grant funding for the cameras.
• Passed a motion to allow the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to put up a temporary sign for Soudan Mine Surface Tours on the Welcome to Soudan sign at their cost.
• Had a consensus to participate in “Meet your Councilor Day” held at Tower’s Gathering Gallery. Representatives from Tower, Breitung, fire departments, Tower Ambulance Service and Breitung Police Department would take turns participating in the event, which would be held on a regular basis. The event’s goal is for citizens to have an opportunity to speak with their representatives on issues that matter to them in a comfortable environment. Dates are yet to be determined.
• Passed a resolution to set the levy at $690,000 for 2024.
• Accepted a donation of $315 from Vermilion Energy Advisors for a portable sound system with stand.
The next Breitung meeting will be Thursday, June 22 at noon. Breitung cleanup days are June 5-7. Contact clerk Dianna Sunsdahl at 218-753-6020 or to schedule pick up of appliances, scrap metal, and tires. Brush will not be taken this year since the dump has started charging for that service.