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A board is only as good as the supervisors we elect

Posted 1/30/25

Candidate Bassing was correct on one thing in her recent letter. She stated supervisors have recently had “plenty of chances to appoint” a clerk and treasurer. The last appointed clerk, …

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A board is only as good as the supervisors we elect


Candidate Bassing was correct on one thing in her recent letter. She stated supervisors have recently had “plenty of chances to appoint” a clerk and treasurer. The last appointed clerk, treasurer, and fire chief are examples. Did the board consider multiple candidates? What were their qualifications? How well have those appointed served the township?
As it turns out, the appointed have proven marginally qualified, politically aligned, and hand selected to serve the power base, not you. Collectively, they have been responsible for much of our recent township disfunction. Those appointing them must be held accountable. Last year’s election results indicate two already have.
This year’s election, and vote on Option B, will hopefully bring more accountability. The roles of clerk and treasurer should be to assist the board by performing defined duties. The current election of clerk and treasurer allows them to do (or not do) just about anything. They interpret their elected roles, do what they please, and fight about everything else.
Option B has nothing to do with filling township positions with non-residents. What motivation does a five-member resident board have in hiring from outside Greenwood, when there are local candidates waiting for civility to return so they might serve. The success or failure of our township is ultimately determined by us, and our selection of supervisors.
A board, with or without Option B, is only as good as the supervisors we elect. When you gather your information to vote, do not be fooled by Bassing’s claim you lose your vote. She implies the supervisors you elect are capable of making every township decision with the exception of interviewing and hiring qualified public employees. That makes no sense. Bassing is scratching the bottom of the barrel for reasons to oppose Option B. Ask her why?
Paul Thompson
Greenwood Township