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Many are choosing to follow a leader, who still believes he won the last election and continues embarrassing, unimpressive behavior. Those who are influenced must find such appealing. Say what you …
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Many are choosing to follow a leader, who still believes he won the last election and continues embarrassing, unimpressive behavior. Those who are influenced must find such appealing. Say what you wish, truth will reign, honesty will surface in the end.
With the deaths of the WWII population, many citizens of this country apparently no longer remember what participation in that war reflected: service, sacrifice, honor, love of country - for this world. It is difficult to fathom how the current mess, dictated by one individual, followed by many, could have happened during those war years, the Korean conflict, or Vietnam. There were other things to consider, bigger things than self-service, attention-hunger, and greed. It is confusing why citizens desire affiliation with one who publicly admits a desire to dismantle the Constitution, become dictator for a day, or rather, King for an undetermined future; with 34 felonies so far, impeachments, and full control of America, justifying such by determining all as lies. An easy out. It surely doesn’t appear so from the antics we read of, and lack of respect shown daily, despite court gag orders.
With the election not that far off, it is time to speak out. A time to pay attention, to assess the realities, even if finding fault with both leading political parties. The former leader has not yet learned what karma is. Where best can you vote to save this country? The befriending of Russia and North Korea, absconding with high security materials, setting off the Jan. 6 descent on the Capitol, rape, denying election results, questionable business practices – is this evidence, of what could be in store for, “we the people?”
We must be alert, assess news, consider what a republic affords us, having been the envy of the world. My input here will not change anyone’s mind, this must be attended to by each of us on our own.
Cecilia Rolando