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Trump is unintelligible as well as unethical


On a June 3, 2024, weekend Fox News program, convicted felon Donald Trump said the following:
“Religion is such a great thing. It’s so it keep you know, there’s something to be good about. You want to be good, you wanna.’ it’s so important. I don’t know if it’s explained right. I don’t know if I am explaining it right. You know, you want to be good. You want to go to heaven when you have something like that. You wanna’ go to heaven. OK? So, you want to go to heaven. So, if we don’t have heaven, OK? You almost say what’s the reason? Why do I have to be good? Let’s not be good? What difference does it make?”
I provided editing to help make sense of Trump’s statement. Video can be viewed online: Trump On Evangelical Support: Religion is Such a Great Thing (
Nowhere does Trump express any love or acceptance of God or mention Jesus “love your neighbor” teaching. It seems like religion for him is only to keep people under control. Trump ends with no serious attempt to understand God or Jesus and only says is that people tell him they “have prayed for me” and “you’re gonna’ be okay.”
Maybe it’s just my opinion, but Trump is a loser as well as personally doesn’t understand much.
Trump has lost in the courts. First, he lost in court for defaming a highly respected news writer, E. Jean Carrol, after he raped (sexually asualted) her in a department store changing room and then later defamed her about it, first losing for $10 million damages, then again losing another $83 million in another court for punitive damages when he kept on defaming her.
Then Trump lost in the courts again. As a businessman, his business cheated other taxpayers by not paying his fair share of business taxes. Trump now must repay New York State over $450 million with interest accruing until it’s all paid.
Again, Trump lost another case involving sex with a porn star by using fraudulent business transactions to hide it from public knowledge. This would have affected the 2016 election outcome against Hilary Clinton in key swing states to gain enough electoral votes to defeat the popular vote. This case also had facts supporting other chargeable crimes for tax fraud for false business expenses deductions, again cheating other taxpayers, and crimes for hiding 2016 campaign support payments not declared that are required by Federal Elections Laws.
I know current politics is a contest of representing the best interests of working status people, like I am, against the privilege and prestige of a small group of power status people. Biden is a strong leader with a lot of intelligent experience to manage all these competing interests in our constitutional law-based democracy.
Trump is only interested in a transactional relationship. Simply stated it is just what can Trump get out of any deal.
Trump is a loser as a democratic leader. He is a loser as a businessman. He is a loser as a role model. He is a nonbeliever in God and Jesus. He is certainly not someone to be given any role in leading the most powerful country in the world. Yet 65 percent of us rural people are still going to vote for him? Hard to respect that!
Erwin R. Rud