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Serving Northern St. Louis County, Minnesota

417 results total, viewing 276 - 300
In 1973, I lived in Winnipeg, Manitoba for a year. One of my friends was Lawrie Cherniak, who was on the city council and whose father was Saul Cherniak, finance minister in the provincial … more
To understand how much the Republican Party has changed, just consider the following words, spoken by former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, who is currently the GOP’s candidate for the U.S. Senate … more
I found myself agreeing with Donald Trump as I listened to his opening statement at his post-conviction press conference last week. He said, “If this can happen to me, it can happen to … more
An alternative job title for a journalist is professional meeting watcher. We go to all those city council, school board, township, and zoning meetings and write them up. Those of you who prefer … more
It was an article of faith, through most of my life, that the United States was the world’s dominant power. We had the most powerful military, the biggest and most vibrant economy and the most … more
A recent mailing from U.S. Rep. Pete Stauber’s office caught our eye for what looks like another misuse of the congressman’s franking privilege to disseminate material nearly … more
In the normal course of the legislative cycle, this was a year the Minnesota Legislature was expected to pass a bonding bill to fund. To be sure, it was to be smaller than usual, given the $2.6 … more
The major media in the U.S. are continuing to fail the public, and that failure is playing a major role in the current state of the presidential race. If polls can be believed, large majorities of … more
I found out my mom was an alcoholic when I was 17 years old. That was devastating, but eventually shed some enlightenment for me on our household dysfunctions. I shouldn’t have been surprised, … more
Rarely has a presidential candidate been so blunt. During a meeting with some of the country’s top oil executives at Mar-a-Lago last month, Donald Trump reportedly pushed them to raise a … more
Social media has its uses. Unfortunately, it tends to generate more heat than light. That was certainly the case with a recent post on the Facebook group, “What’s Up Tower MN,” that … more
The almighty road trip is a favorite activity in my household. Journeys too often get second billing to destinations. For that reason, the road trip gets top billing in my house. Many a weekend has … more
As promised in my last column, “Facing the fear and finding hope”, that appeared in the April 5 edition of the Timberjay, I’m resuming the story of Kelly Cramer and her recovery … more
“I have a spoiler alert: There’s nothing wrong with trying to influence the election. It’s called democracy.” So said defense attorney Todd Blanche last week as he tried to … more
If there’s one thing I’ve loved about the digital age, it’s the ready window into history provided by searchable online newspaper archives. It’s become a regular practice of … more
“Where is the outrage?” That was the question rightly asked by fellow publisher Reed Anfinson, of Benson, Minn., in an op-ed that appeared last week in this newspaper and many others … more
In a perfect world the National Park Service and the businesses that serve users of Voyageurs National Park would work as partners with the goal of making the experience of park users the best that … more
People around the world are concerned and confused by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has confounded peace seekers for years. I have joined them in wondering why a just, peaceful solution is … more
The United States has long been a friend to Israel and that’s appropriate. But sometimes friends have to tell a friend when they’re in the wrong, and it is well past time for the Biden … more
Some people collect seashells or coins. Others collect art or Hummel figurines. In my household, we collect signs. To be accurate, we drive around and take photographs of signs. The long-suffering … more
When I wrote an article months back about my intention to overcome my excessive anxiety over spiders, I had no idea the reactions I would get from readers! One email thanked me for publicly … more
It’s the auditing season for small cities in our region and, if this year is like others we have covered over the past three-plus decades, taxpayers will learn very little from a time-consuming … more
Lawmakers in St. Paul should resist a proposal for a combined government reform amendment to the Minnesota Constitution that would open the way to a full-time Legislature. The measure, as the … more
You’re all probably channeling Ronald Regan’s classic debate line “There you go again” as you realize I’m writing once again about artificial intelligence, but I just … more
The America that our founders framed in our Constitution guaranteed religious freedom, yet that’s a tradition that is under threat in this country like never before. As we reported last week, a … more
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