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Americans need to wake up!

Posted 1/16/25

By now, most people know that President Biden and his criminal gang have sent and continue to send weapons to Benyamin Netanyahu, the criminal president of Israel, who is using them to commit …

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Americans need to wake up!


By now, most people know that President Biden and his criminal gang have sent and continue to send weapons to Benyamin Netanyahu, the criminal president of Israel, who is using them to commit murder/genocide against the real owners of that part of the world- Palestinians. American taxpayers are funding this genocide. Biden, along with most Senators and Representatives, including Sen. Klobuchar, are basically right-wing fascists and should all be impeached and tried under the International Criminal Court and sent to prison. Most of our “leaders” are criminals representing the rich corporate interests, with the weapons industry being top of the list.
We know that Amerika has killed well over 45,000 good people in Palestine and it doesn’t even bother them in the least. The media is basically in cahoots with these murderers, but despite that, Americans are starting to see what’s going on.
Schools, universities, clinics, hospitals, homes are all targets and none of that makes any difference to the fascists in Washington. I taught English in Gaza and the West Bank of Palestine. The university where I taught in Gaza was bombed and destroyed.
It’s easy to blame the Israeli government but their horrendous crimes would not have happened had it not been for the criminal nature of the United States government wanting to control the world and take from it what is not rightly theirs. The Israeli government does what the U.S. wants it to do.
A government of and by the people? A government representative of us? All of that is pure unadulterated bullsh__! And more Americans better wake up if we want to become a nation that loves peace and good heartedness. We’re not there yet – maybe someday. I feel nothing but shame for the U.S. government. And I hope that more Americans will WAKE UP!!
Steve Johnson