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Stauber shouldn’t throw stones


I am writing in response to Pete Stauber’s most recent email in which he asks “all political leaders to take accountability for their words” and to “stop fueling the hatred and division.” Noble aspirations indeed. He goes on to ask that the Democrats should “reflect on their demonization of Trump.”
Political discourse is not demonization. Stating facts is not demonization. Excuse me, Mr. Stauber, but I am not the one endorsing a convicted felon for president who calls people “vermin.” A man who promises to “be a dictator on day one.” A man who has routinely called for violence and bloodshed throughout his political history. A man who calls those who attacked police and ransacked the Capital on Jan. 6, “political prisoners” and “patriots.” It is not surprising to me that his endorsed candidate for governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, said, just a few weeks ago, in a church no less, that “some folks need killing.” Where was the Republican condemnation for that statement?
I would suggest that you look to your own house for accountability for the hatred and division that is so rampant in our country at present. As the saying goes, “people in glass houses...”
Michele Jackman