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Serving Northern St. Louis County, Minnesota

412 results total, viewing 51 - 75
Political campaigns can be inspiring. I’m thinking of Rep. Skraba’s campaign and his statement that “Thirty years is too long to wait.” Of course, he was referring to … more
Kudos to the Ely-Palestine Solidarity Group (EPSG) and their allies at Jews for Justice in Palestine, the Arab-Jewish Partnership for Peace and Justice in the Middle East, the New Israel Fund, the … more
Two readers submitted letters about the Israel-Gaza war to our local papers in the last two weeks.  There is no evidence that either of the writers has gone to any of the Ely-Palestine … more
Economic systems are born, they develop, evolve and finally, they die. Village barter, master-slave and lord-serf economic systems have come and gone, giving rise to antidemocratic employer-employee … more
Now that the election is past it is time to move on and begin to work hard on the issues that have been troubling the American people. Let’s release the highly controversial issues that have … more
The election of Donald Trump means that America’s public lands will be on the chopping block for the next four years. Pete Stauber’s re-election puts the Boundary Waters and the greater … more
In his letter last week, “Misinformation is increasing antisemitism,” Charles Marsden accused the Ely- Palestine Solidarity Group (EPSG) of spreading misinformation and increasing … more
One evening while washing dishes, I happened to hear a radio broadcast of a conversation between Kai Ryssdal, host of Marketplace, and a renowned financial guru. The interview was about a … more
In the wake of Trump’s election victory last month, Democrats would do well to re-examine their 2016 presidential primary and how it laid the groundwork for the party’s fall from grace … more
As we watch the next federal administration taking shape and observe actions of the current American government, we should recognize fascism gaining influence. I use an accepted definition of fascism … more
Members of the Ely Palestine Solidarity Group don’t realize that there has never been a country named Palestine. For centuries preceding World War I, the entire Middle East was under the … more
At a time that we traditionally give thanks with a meal shared with friends and family, it’s worth making note of another way that food is making a difference in the lives of many Minnesotans. … more
Families tend to create their own traditions for celebrating the Thanksgiving holidays. The tradition in my family when I was growing up was Thanksgiving dinner “at the farm” in Plymouth, … more
Northern Minnesota has a rich history built on the backbone of Taconite Mining. For generations, this vital sector has powered our local economy, sustained our communities, and supported … more
The voters have spoken, and Donald J. Trump will be the 47th president of the United States. With a Republican-controlled Senate and strong backing in the House, Trump will be in position to … more
I am thrilled to share the wonderful news that our community has come together to support our students, educators, and school programs by passing the capital project levy authorization. This … more
Last week the Timberjay reported that the Tower City Council was “skeptical over cost of sprint medic pilot project”, particularly the $200 charge to the area ambulance service each time … more
Last week’s editorial offered a very good history and analysis of how of the electoral college subverts democracy. Another issue has been how the chosen electors never exercise their … more
We would like to thank the generosity of the Cook Thrift Store for donating four bags of blankets and winter clothing, as well as the Tower Food Shelf’s donation of winter clothing, and all … more
Around the country, Americans can expect to start paying a lot more for electricity— and it won’t be due to the transition to renewable forms of energy. The rise in the installation of … more
For all the furor created when both the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times decided not to make endorsements in the presidential election this year, as WaPo owner Jeff Bezos suggested, it was … more
Can you believe it? The Democrats forgot to rig the election! Truth is, just as in 2020 the election was free, fair, and unrigged. I’m sorry Harris didn’t win, but I’m proud that … more
Donald Trump’s victory last Tuesday has sparked the usual Democratic handwringing that happens whenever an election doesn’t turn the way they had hoped — and centrists and the … more
As a musician, I think I can now empathize with the band on the Titanic. I’ll keep playing, hopefully to provide some comfort, but the truth is we’re all going to drown. We had a chance … more
For those of us who voted blue, last week’s election results were a catastrophe of the highest order. We don’t think of the current president-elect as a savior who will restore … more
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