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Serving Northern St. Louis County, Minnesota

1184 results total, viewing 1176 - 1184
Ely Blues Fest 2009 [Photo gallery]
3rd Annual 'Lard Loop [Photo gallery]
Cold rain didn't deter participants in this year's 'Lard Loop, a 10K race established in memory of Ballard Turnbull. Organizers reported over 70 pre-registrants, and over 50 walk-ins signed up the … more
Tower Farmers Market [Photo gallery]
Don't miss Tower's new Farmers Market, set up in the Tower Civic Center parking lot (by the train) on Fridays from 4-6 p.m. more
Ely's 29th Blueberry/Art Festival drew thousands up to Ely for the weekend of July 24. Festival organizers from the Ely Chamber said that attendance was most likely higher than in any previous year, … more
The 27th running of the Vermilion Fourth of July Celebration 10K run, 3-mile walk, and 1-mile kids run seems to be getting bigger and better each year – thanks to what everyone agreed this year was … more
Tower-Soudan Depot Days [Photo gallery]
The Tower-Soudan Historical Society held their second annual Depot Days July 24-26 and celebrated the 125th anniversary of the founding of Tower and the first shipment of iron ore from the Soudan … more
This bear has been visiting our birdfeeder at our home near Tower this summer. more
Fourth of July in Tower [Photo gallery]
I shot over 500 pics on the Fourth. Here are some of my favorites... more
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